I have been very blessed to find terrific people in my life. What a joy my friends bring into my life! For me, friends are more than just that. Friends are an extension of who I am, and truly the carriers of so many lessons and knowledge in my life. Every person that I invest my energy in gives back a positive energy that fills my spaces and fuels my spirit. Of course, not all friends are created equal. However, even the shortest friendships have added a lot of meaning and significance to my existence. I always like to think that others will reciprocate what you give them; that others will invest into you what you invest into them. This may not be an apparent truth at all times; however, many times the harvests of your labor will not show right away.
I have had my share of investing in people that may not seem worthy of my energy and time, but I have grown so much by giving, that at the end I may have won more than the persons I gave myself to. When I invest myself into someone I like to do it whole, no holding back on who I am and my potential for giving. In some instances, what I have gotten back from some persons has not been commensurate with what I give. At the end, though, and maybe not right away, I am filled with a greater energy than the one I invested. Like a boomerang, you get back what you put out there with more force than what you started with.
Friends deserve to get the best of us. I surely hope my friends think they are receiving 100% of me, even when distance, time, and circumstances do not allow us to interact as much as we would want. As one of my favorite books say, no place is too far when you love somebody, and distance cannot keep us apart from true friends. That is my truth. I hope my friends can read the love in my writing.
La verdadera amistad es aquella que no nesecita palabras. Que se comunica más allá, es como la conección inexplicable que existe entre hermanos gemelos. Mis amigos son mi familia. A veces he llegado a pensar que son mi verdadera familia. Los amo incondicionalmente. La verdadera amistad nos hace crecer y nos llena en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas. Yo simpre he creido que las personas llegan a tu vida en el momeno en que las necesitas o necesitan de ti. Algunas serán pasajeras, las cuales después de cumplir su propósito en tu vida se desaparecen pero siempre habrán dejado una huella. Otras llegarán, se quedarán pero no necesariamente estarán presente; lo que sí es que estarán siempre disponibles para cuando las necesites. Pero hay otras amistades que te llevan de la mano y te acompañan por el rocoso camino de la vida. Estas nunca se van ni nunca están ausentes. A estas amistades las llamo mis angeles. Sin embargo aunque parezcan diferentes categorias de amistades todas comparten un fin común. Y todas son amistades verdaderas.
Myrna Concepcion:
Amiga! Esas palabras deben publicarse. Me das permiso?
Waleska wrote:
Antes de leer el último párrafo lo tenía muy claro y definitivamente siento el amor y la verdad en lo que escribes.
Estoy deacuerdo, la amistad es una llave mágica que detiene el tiempo, corta la distancia y nos permite recivir mas que lo que hemos dado. El solo hecho de saber que está llena nuestro tanque.
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