Sunday, March 05, 2006

Ser y Estar

These days I have been suffering from "down syndrome". The changes that life proposes have gotten me guessing, thinking, and wondering about every little possible aspect of my existence. Everyone goes through these stages: ups, downs, rises, falls. They are the ones that keep us alive and make us question our grounds and refuel to conquer new things. I understand that. It is very unlike me to feel down for a long period of time, and I certainly do not know how long this "down spell" will last, however, I will try to make the best out of it.

I am happy, but I feel sad. I have come to the realization that even when I am not full of cheer, I am never unhappy. Happiness is being, and sadness is just a temporary state. When you are happy, that is what, how, and who you are. When you are sad it only means that for a period of time your energy level is not as high and efficient as it should, but that will pass with time. Sometimes the best of us transpires in the darkest hours. For example, I find a lot of inspiration to write when things are unstable in my life. I find the need to look deep into myself when I see the seasons changing in my heart, and it usually leads to a stronger, fresher, redefined, renewed, and better me. I surely hope that that will be the outcome this time.

Comfort is great, but sometimes makes us dormant and unable to see new possibilities, new horizons, new realities. I rather look at life and be blinded by the light of the truth, than to look at life with my shades on to protect my comfort. Doesn't "live fully" mean take chances and experience every aspect of life intensely? Happiness comes with a price, but no price is too high for happiness. The question is do we want cheer and joy or do we want happiness? I actually want both. And just now I realized that I do have both. I may not find joy in every aspect of my existence right now, but my life is full of happiness because I AM happy. The things that are not giving me joy at the present time will pass, hopefully sooner than later. My happiness will always be with me beacause that is what, how, and who I am.


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Unknown said...

Amelia wrote:

Yo he pasado por muchas Tangie, y en algunos momentos me sentí la mujer más fracasada y la mas desprovista de amor en el mundo y como tu dices muy bien, eso pasó, siempre pasaba y siempre vino algo mejor de lo que creía perdido. Espero que todo este llendo bien para ti,

Un abrazo,


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Sarai wrote:

that is so great what you did, i love it. keep going sister, i have to admit im suffering from down syndrome too. we will talk soon .love you


Myrna Concepcion said...

Lo bueno es que la primavera está a la vuelta de la esquina (menos de dos semanas). Lo que significa que con cada retoño que nacerá, cada flor que florecerá, cada canto de un pájaro que escucharas, renacerá una nueva y más fuerte tú. Que divino es saber que estas VIVA. Que de cada época en que te sientes triste y/o deprimida resurge una mujer con más energias y de convicciones más fuertes. Ojalá todas las personas tuvieran esos periodos de "shutdown" si de estos resurgieran con un mejor ser. En otras palabras un mejor ser humano para aportar a este mundo.

Unknown said...

Myrna Concepcion

Si, se que estoy despertando, como los arboles que invernaron durante el invierno y que esperan la llegada de los dias de sol calido y tibio, las lluvias, y los cielos limpidos, para despertar y levantarse frondosos, verdes, llenos de vida, mirando al cielo mas hermosos y fuertes que antes. Es hora de despertar a la primavera, y a una nueva era. Gracias!!!

Unknown said...


La mujer mas valerosa, fuerte, y completa que conozco. Que mucho he aprendido de ti! Que suerte poder yo mirarme en tu espejo, en el cual ahora ves a una mujer completamente diferente a la que antes mirabas! Yo aun veo aquella mujer, con heridas de guerra y batallas que conquistar, pero con la misma o mas fuerza para luchar y vencer. Mi unica agonia es no estar mas cerca fisicamente para aliviar tu carga y hacerte saber a cada momento lo mucho que significas para mi y lo mucho que te admiro y he aprendido de ti. Eres una mujeraza! Te amo y mi corazon y pensamiento jamas te abandonan. El espejo te miente: cambia de espejo!