Womanhood is a very special thing. To be born a woman is one of the best things that can happen to a human being. Not only our anatomies are designed to attract and captivate the opposite sex, it has been built to nurture and bring life into this world, which is absolutely amazing. Conception, though, is not the only miraculous thing a woman is capable of doing. Women are caring, loving, and nurturing by nature, being capable of feeling and giving love, even when blood ties do not require us to do so. The fact that my girlfriends consider my son part of their livies and family is moving. This is only one example of how special women are, and how willing we are to show love beyong logical reasoning.
I always celebrate being a woman. We are built to stand pain, stay awake endless nights with our children, care about and for the people we love in a special way, look at a puppy and feel the tenderness of the moment, cry when we need to without hesitating, calling a friend when we need to talk and talk for endless hours until the morning light shows in the sky, talk with a friend for hours, and realize that we still have more to talk about, undress our souls and be totally exposed with the people we love without shame, worry so much about looks but care more about love, have big dreams for ourselves, but even bigger hopes for our children, and give everything we have to our loved ones, and feel like we have not given enough.
Sometimes, though, for many reasons, we put ourselves in hold for a greater good. And sometimes the greater good turns into a struggle between the maximization of our womanhood, and the roles that society expects us to fulfill. Can we find a balance between social expectations and the pursue of our own happiness? Are we trapped forever in the expected, and become afraid of the unexpected? Why are we afraid of changing the path, even when we know that the path to a better self is far from the one we are walking now? Why are the social roles so constraining for women, and why do we chain ourselves to those roles? Can we change the path and find better destinations despite criticism, the perceptions of others, and our chains? Can we stand to see other women getting out of the conventional, even when we choose not to?
A lot of women that I know have broken the conventional, and for that I admire them. I want to think that I could also dare to question the conventional, just like them. I look in the mirror, and I want to see the courage to embrace who I want to become. I do not want to see a shadow, I want to see a real woman with flaws, mistakes, virtues, and a lot to give and to offer, which I love, respect, and admire even when others won’t. I want to believe that all women can do this, and that our womanhood would hold us together to help and support each other in our journeys. And the woman on hold, let her take a peek at the world from time to time. She is in there, just waiting for her time, and waiting to be set free when you let her. She has not gone anywhere, she is just the inner strength that keeps us going when we are too busy and involved in our conventional lives.
Let us be reborn and claim our best self. That is the best present we can give ourselves, and the everyone in our world.
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