Monday, March 13, 2006


Whatever happened to regular panties? It seems like panties are the defining factor of every era in the life of a woman. I would guess ( and I am not an anthropologist), that in ancient times, women did not wear panties at all. They lived their lives free of the constraints of underwear, without worrying about the material, design, and look of their undies. I have no idea when women decided that panties were necessary, but I can imagine why that happened. And lately I have been wondering about the future of underwear altogether.

The new trend is to not let anyone see your pantyline. Suddenly, it is unpolite and totally incorrect to let the world know that you are wearing panties, so this is the era of the g-string. I was born in the era of the brief, and then transitioned into the era of the bikini because it signified coolness and youth. As I started noticing the boom in g-string and thong wearing, I commented to one of my girlfriends about my hesitation to go into this new phase. She swore to me that I would get used to the new panty style, that I just have to give it some time to get its way into me, and I found that this was literal. I transitioned to the new era of the thong and the g-string. I gave up my old ways, and to be quite frankly, it was true what my friend had told me about embracing the new panty era. I got used to it, and I feel modern when I wear the trend of the time. However, as I see more and more gals putting their briefs aside and going G, I cannot help but wonder what would the next generation bring for us. Are we going back to ancient times in which no undies ruled? Is there anything else after thongs and G-strings? I cannot even begin to imagine.

I was at a doctor's office today taking my child to be seen by a physician, and I noticed a girl who had bent over and she was showing her undies. I realized that, just like 15 years ago when showing a bikini panty line was considered sexy, nowadays showing that little triangle or whatever you can show of that g-string is considered the "it". Women cannot show pantylines, but they can let the world know that they are using dental floss for panties. How curious is that! What would the world think if they knew that instead of a thread, we are using nothing? Would anyone be offended? I don't think anyone should, because wearing a g-string is like wearing nothing at all; it is just saying to the world "I am wearing panties, but not quite".

Anyway, my perception on this silly topic is that women should just use the panties they are most comfortable in, and that the rest of the world should stop stearing at our butts in search for pantylines, and critizicing those women that actually wear real panties. If the future of undies is no undies, then we are in the right track, but do not feel bad if you are a little behind. Wear what your butt can stand!

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