Saturday, March 25, 2006


What is up with men and big screen TVs? Generally, men have a fascination with everything mechanical or electronic (or both). That is just the way they are wired, just like women are wired to think about their hair and nails. There is a common goal that all men share, though, and it is the goal to own the biggest TV in the world, or at least the biggest TV they can own. I have analyzed men’s obsession with big screens, and have come to some conclusions of my own. Of course, men would totally disagree with my opinion, but I think it is a very valid and true opinion as to what drives men to want the big screen so bad.

My explanation for this phenomenon is that subconsciously men associate the screen with their masculinity. Controlling the TV remote gives them the power, just like in ancient times owning the fire gave them and their tribes some sense of greatness and dominance. To want to own a big screen is like undergoing a penis enlargement procedure, pain free and with a lot of satisfaction. Owning a big screen TV and bragging about it with their friends is the way of men showing off their penises to one another and stating that they have the biggest one of them all, at least within the tribe. Most men would not say out loud that they feel insecure with the size of their penis, nevertheless they share this fear with other men, so by owning a big screen TV men have undergone cosmetic surgery to make their fear go away, or at least make that fear less limiting. Sitting in front of the TV and feeling the exhilaration of knowing that their TV is big and powerful is like grabbing their genitalia and saying “yeah, baby!”. Talking about big screens give men the freedom to talk freely about sizes without shame, and crown themselves with power according to sizes and measurements.

I truly think big screen TVs speak to men souls, at least subconsciously. Nothing else can make men feel on top of the world quite like owning and enjoying having a big screen TV. Insecurity? Not really, not necessarily. But certainly, owning a big screen TV can make a man feel like the best endowed man of them all, and they have the measurement (of their screens, that is) to prove it.

Women also like big screens. Is the size rationale also applicable to women? Do women who like big screens care for sizes the same way men do? Hm!


Anonymous said...

You are wrong. Not all men are like this, and to generalize about men based on the ones that you know isn't too nice.

How would you like it if I generalized about Latinas being easy, which they are in the city that I live? See? You didn't like when I generalized about Latinas, so don't generalize about men.

And by the way, I don't think any woman is easy unless she is a hooker and that is a profession that doesn't care about ethnicity.

Anonymous said...

One more thing...

If you are going to be picking on men like you are, don't expect any man who reads what you wrote to not feel entitled to do the same thing about women... generalize and make themselves look bad.

Unknown said...

Dear Equality:

I love that you read what I wrote. Did not mean to offend, but to be funny. I do not have any scientific proof that men's interest in big screen tvs has anything to do with the size of their penises, and quite frankly I do not even know why some men want the big screen tv, they just do because they want to enjoy a better view of the tv, period.

About Latinas being easy, that is another topic and I will write about that in the future. If I were a hooker, though, I would charge a lot, and probably making a whole lot of money, as I always have to be the best in what I do.

I am not picking on men, and that has always been my intention. I like men, I love men, my son is a man. Men are a wonderful thing, and the experiences that I have had with them have given me a lot of joy, expertise, and inspiration to write, which is a very good thing.

Keep reading and commenting!

Anonymous said...

This one goes out to the guy that that has no self esteem. If you truly believe the statement of the TV and your you know what, then maybe you shouldnt even bother reading her blog. Tangi is an amazing person, and her mind doesnt compare to no one in this planet. Oh and before i forget we are not easy, we play easy sometimes just to fool ya.