In the heat of the moment one can say the harshest things, things we do not really and deeply mean, or things we do not want others to hear. In the heat of the moment we may let things slip off our lips without thinking about how our words will impact the other persons’ lives or how much meaning our words have on our own lives. We have all been hunted by our words at some point in our lives. We all have said things we later regret saying. We all have said things we wish we could take back. However, words are permanent once they come out of our mouth. Some words resonate in our heads, both after we say them and hear them being said, for a long time after the fact. Some words have a deep impact in the daily steps we take and how we do things and look at life. Words are powerful: they exert the power of our voice, carry the images we want to portray and the energy we vest in them. That’s why it’s very important that we acknowledge that we have a great responsibility to use our words with wisdom and truth, for ourselves and others. As I always say, mean what you say and say what you mean.
I agree with your saying. It's a hard task sometimes to control our own words. I try very hard not to react in the heat of the moment.
Sometimes I give myself permissionn to say whatever is in my mind without giving it a second thought, but I do this purposefully. I too try not to react in the heat of the moment so my intelligence and soul are always in control, and not my primal emotions.
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