Self-confidence is a powerful thing. When one lacks it, it can lead to self destruction, literally. When one has it, it is like fuel that injects our actions and decisions with the right energy to pursue our goals and dreams. Self-confidence is reflected in everything we do, and others can really “pick” on our confidence level. Self-confidence glows through a person when he or she has it, and makes a shadow out of a person when is missing. The level of self-confidence affects our relationships with others, at any level, our life choices, our performance in almost every aspect of life, and how balanced our life is, to name a few things. Mostly, self-confidence affects the way we give to others and how we receive what others have to give us. Self-confidence affects our sense of self-worth, and it mirrors in our actions, our thoughts, our dreams and aspirations, and our level of happiness.
Confidence is a tricky trait. I have read and been explained how it develops, but it seems like there is more to self-confidence than the possible explanations for it that one can find in a psychology book. I have known very self-confident people who are confident in spite of all the badness that happened to them during childhood and in life. I have met people who were not self-confident and developed their confidence, becoming radiant and powerful in adulthood. I have met people who developed in nurturing, loving, safe, and encouraging homes when they were young, and still are not confident as adults. However, I do know that self-confidence is one of the keys to happiness, as it affects self image, self worth, self identity, and the ability to live with the self and others.
How to increase self-confidence is a topic for maybe another article. If you lack self-confidence, start taking the steps to mend it, rebuild it, strengthen it, nurture it, redefine it, and believe it. Start with knowing that each one of us are unique, one of a kind, and as such each one of us hold the potential to become the only one in the world like ourselves. We can hold our own world record, actually, we have already just by being here and being us. Each person has a different menu of offerings, unique things to give, and a unique way of receiving and experiencing life. Each one of us is a world, interesting and amazing, deep and full of wholeness and newness. That alone is something to feel very confident about.
You are so right! Self-confidence is a driving force in life.
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