I am leaving to Puerto Rico again. I will be going to recharge and reconnect with a place that gave me so much and people who care about me deeply, the same way I love them with a love that is pure and never ending. I will be going back to myself, to the original version of who I am, and hopefully will be back with a clearer picture of who I want to become. I am going to Puerto Rico to breathe and fuse with the Caribbean air so full of history and a past that is always present. I will love, be loved, laugh loud and much, eat, think, and just be.
If you have not visited the link to the video The Power of Love, please do. And with that I will leave you until I come back.
Pain is a force; Love is energy,
force is temporary, energy is always present.
Welcome back "pequena" leave and forget your regrets where the force was wasted and useless.
I wonder where you lost yourself while in the journey of life.
Te encontre porque te busque; realmente algo me inquieto a buscarte..arcilla en mi mesa?
Te deseo lo mejor, a ti ,los tuyos, bendiciones de lo alto para todos.
Gracias por tus palabras. Las encuentro tan reales y me tocan tan profundo que las re-escribí en un nuevo artículo. No sé quién eres ni cómo me encontraste, pero espero que me hayas encontrado. No sé quién eres así que no sé si te encontré yo, pero en este espacio ahora estamos conectados. Unidos en el universo de la palabra y el pensamiento...
The force was wasted and useless...If for anything, the force can propel us to move and there is usually a lot of learning involved in pain...and a lot of inspiration to transform it into something beautiful. Regrets? I don't have any, really, just of the things that have not happened yet, but that is up to me to realize them. Lost? When you know where your heart is you can never be lost.
Buscar? Lo único que busco es a mí y entregar la mejor yo a los que amo y al mundo. La vida a veces nos une sin que sepamos la razón, y siempre que esa unión surge de una energía que nos resulta más fuerte y grande que nosotros mismos es positiva, es buena, es lo que debe ser.
Te conozco?
Enjoy yourself! But I think you will be an original version wherever you are, not only in Puerto Rico.
Gracias Amelche. Eso quiero siempre, pero volver a mis raíces es volver a la versión más original de mi ser. A ver cómo regreso. Un abrazo.
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