It is natural of humans to pursue growth. Humans have the innate need to make progress in certain areas of life, few or many depending on the person, periodically throughout our existence. For some it is finding their calling and constantly setting new goals to fulfill their passions; for others it is making some kind of financial progress throughout their lives; for many it is seeking continuous spiritual growth and a connection with a higher power. Humans need to feel they are “moving forward”, and stagnation damages the human soul creating a blockage in the flow of energy and instilling a sense of imbalance within. When water cannot run its course and merge with a stronger, wider, deeper, more powerful stream or body it loses its ability to be and becomes dark, murky, and turbid. The same thing happens with our human condition when we stop our flow, our natural progression, and the evolution of all the elements of our lives. When we pay attention to just one or few areas of our lives and feel we are moving upward or forward we feel contentment, but it can be temporary. When we endeavor in accomplishing all areas that make us what we ought to be we can evolve.
It is healthy to strive to accomplish ourselves the best way possible, at the maximum of our capacity, and the feeling of exhilaration that comes with it ignites a light that shines through us and everyone can see. Our energy is strengthened when we sense we are moving in the right direction with complete satisfaction. Hopefully, all humans will pursue to evolve whole. Paying too much attention to just one area of our lives and just focusing on the growth of that area (financial, social, spiritual, etc.), can also create an imbalance as the other areas that are also important for our fruition remain incomplete or neglected. Humans should seek to create and maintain a harmonious relationship between the physical world and ourselves, and grow all aspects that compose our humanity to the best of our ability, knowing that to evolve means to never stop growing whole.
Lamento no entender lo que dice tu blog, no hablo inglés.
Que tal hacerlo bilingue??.
Gracias por tu paso por mi patio de tango.
TANGUETTO: Habla del crecimiento personal y de que, igual que el agua tiene que fluir y, si no puede, se estanca y se estropea, los seres humanos sienten la necesidad de mirar hacia delante y avanzar en todos los aspectos de su vida. Si no, se estancan y se sienten mal. Que debemos intentar mejorar en todos los campos, porque si nos centramos sólo en un área de nuestra vida, habrá un desequilibrio que nos hará infelices. Por eso debemos potenciar el crecimiento en todos los aspectos vitales que podamos y no dejar nunca de crecer y sentirnos seres completos.
Algo así es el resumen, ¿no Tanginika?
Well, I think I said everything in Spanish, so there is no point in repeating it again in English... But then there will be people who will not understand Spanish. It's great to have different languages, it makes us richer but the problem is languages also create communication troubles!
Well done Ana! Gracias por traducir.
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