Monday, October 16, 2006

Seeing Beyond the Unknown

As a continuation, fear is then a force…Powerful, but truly just our own creation. What was created since the beginning of all is always good, always true, always conducive to our evolution and well-being. Fear that comes of our own creation is imperfect and leads to imperfection. We all have them. We just have to transform its force to have the drive to seek the ultimate, what comes from our source which can unite us with it and make us whole.

The fear of the unknown is natural for all humans and part of our preservation instinct. The fear of losing what we have is sometimes so powerful that prevents us from even trying to begin to pursue what we want. Sometimes we set ourselves with the bare minimum, in fear that if we attempt to let go of our fear and start moving towards what we want we might not succeed. Therefore, to prevent ourselves from the anticipated dissapointment of failure we do not even begin to try in the first place. I think that when we recognize our fears, acknowledge we have them, understand why we have them, but act in spite of them we learn a great deal about who we are, and we get to know more of who we could be and what we can do. And that discovery always leads to growth, and it is always worth the try.

For me and for all…

The Daily OM
October 16, 2006
Seeing Beyond The Unknown
Fear Of Losing What We Have

One of humanity's biggest fears is losing what we have. It is healthy when fear of loss helps us take steps to protect what we have worked hard to attain, but it is unhealthy to continue to fear something we can do nothing about. We need to remember that focusing our energy on fear can actually create what scares us, and holding tightly to what we have keeps us from participating in the universal flow of abundance and instead creates stagnation. Since we can only really control our thoughts and our responses, gaining proper perspective may be key to conquering such fears. The letters of the word "fear" can be used to stand for "False Evidence Appearing Real." Fears of being separated from something or someone we feel we need for our security or happiness comes from a delusion-a distorted way of understanding ourselves and the world around us. When we understand that possessions are only representations of the energy at work in our lives, we can shift our attention to the right and proper place. We can stop fearing loss of money or success because when we understand how it is created, we can always create more. We can stop fearing loss of possessions when we realize that they are not the source of our joy or well-being but only icing on our cakes. And when we understand the energy of love, we need not hold anyone too close for fear of losing them for we know that love does not diminish when it is given or shared but expands beyond boundaries of time or space. By focusing our light on our fears, they are revealed as mere shadows that disappear in the presence of mind and spirit. We can choose instead to direct our thoughts and creative power toward things of true value-love, abundance, peace, passion, and joy. These are energies that are always available to us when we place ourselves confidently in the universal flow of abundance.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more - recognising the fears and acting regardless takes and displays a lot of strength.

For me, I've started to realise a few of the old fears in context. Like I still get the voices of fears in my head, but I know to automatically and completely detatch from them. As though they're in a big glass cage in my mind. It's a really pleasing feeling :)

Now, my attempt at some Spanish in response to your comment! Forgive the lack of accents/upside down questionmarks and exclamation marks - not conducive to Australian keyboards.

Me gusta leer tus mensajes en mi blog. Terminas escuela? Felicitaciones! Que vas a hacer ahora?

Unknown said...

Fear!! I still have to conquer a few, but I am aware and awake, which does not favor fear. Fear lives when you are dormant and it cannot subsist when we open our eyes and decide to walk towards the light. Fear actually becomes a very good thing when we thrive conqering it. I am on my way!

Anonymous said...

My journey showed me fear is a spirit that can only manifest it force whe we allow it to do so.
As creation we were not given this spirit. We were infused the paradym that good and evil holds similar strenghts and power.
Faith is always greater and more powerful that fear.
Our wise designer purpose was for us to subdue and take dominion.

During my path of life Ive learned not to accept fear as natural; it will come; I dont denay its can easy be defeated by the notion that the good that lives within us is greater and by far more powerful than any other force.
The battlefield is on our minds and souls, acknowledge the good strenghs within and cast your fears away.


Unknown said...

I totally agree and find your words depicting a lot of what fear is. Yes, in essence, fear is not meant to exist, it is just product of our paradigms and the condition of the flesh. Our core, who we are as a whole should not have any fear, and I believe there comes a time in our lives when we realize fear is nothing, just our own device for not moving forward or not doing something. But because we were built to create it we must fight it to dissipate it and see the truth.