Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I am doing a few readings right now, and one of the books I am reading is titled The Confident Woman by Marjorie Hansen Shaevitz. The title speaks for itself, and I found one of the quizzes of the book very interesting. The author calls it a “state-of-the-person confidence inventory” which would hopefully give readers more light as to what their level of self worth, confidence, and esteem is.

The following questions or statements should be answered or ranked numerically, from 1 to 10, 1 and 2 meaning rarely or never, 3 and 4 meaning not very often, 5 and 6 meaning sometimes, 7 and 8 meaning most of the time, and 9 and 10 meaning Yes!!Always. The sum of your responses will give you an insight to your confidence level, which I will disclose right after the questions.

(Having self-knowledge)
1. I have a strong sense of my self: that is, I know who I am, what I like, and what I want out of life. I am my own person.

(Being self-responsible)
2. I take responsibility for getting what I need and want rather than depending on others to give it to me, or get it for me, or do it for me.

(Prioritizing actions)
3. I spend my time on who and what is important to me.

(Choosing quality people)
4. I spend time with positive people about whom I care and who are caring , supportive, and respectful of me.

(Choosing quality work)
5. I love the work I do: it’s interesting, challenging, and meaningful.

(Choosing quality activities)
6. I engage in activities, hobbies, sports, and events I love.

(Choosing quality environments)
7. I make sure that the environments in which I live and work are positive, healthy, and pleasing to me.

(Having life balance)
8. My life is well balanced between work and play.

(Choosing a positive attitude)
9. I am a positive person; that is, I am able to focus on the positive aspects of my life and eliminate or effectively deal with the negative.

(Having a solutions orientation)
10. When life’s problems and challenges arrive, I act on them rather than think or worry about them.

(Accepting body and appearance)
11. Aside from occasional “bad hair day”, I am comfortable with how I look, including my face, my body, and my choice of clothing.

(Effectively using feelings)
12. I am aware of and can identify my feelings.

(Having a sense of humor)
13. I seek out and enjoy the humorous aspects of life.

(Choosing to have other people do it)
14. I ask things of others, delegate when appropriate, buy what I need to accomplish what I want, and employ others as needed.


15. Physically: Caring for my body including eating right, exercising, resting, relaxing, getting enough sleep, and seeing health care professionals when appropriate.

16. Emotionally: Caring for my emotional side including carving out time to renourish and reenergize myself, having fun, seeking peace and clam in my life.

17. Socially: Caring for myself by spending most of my time with people who are good for me, and eliminating or limiting the time with those who are not good for me.

18. Intellectually: Caring for my mind by making the most of my intelligence, reading, becoming as educated as I can, keeping intellectually alive.

19. Financially: Caring for myself by being financially aware, accountable, and responsible.

20. Spiritually: Caring for my spiritual side by attending religious services or spending time alone to reflect, meditate, or pray, or seeking spiritual insight through reading, study, or other experiences.

Write down your score. The interpretation of your score is as follows:

180-200 You are highly confident
140-180 You are mostly confident
100-140 You are sometimes confident
60-100 You are not often confident
20-60 You are rarely confident

If you are a highly confident individual, congratulations and keep it up. If you lack some or most, then it might be time to start making some changes in order to become a better you. Only you know what you need, and only you can give it to yourself. You are responsible for your life, only you, so make it worth living.


Ava said...

I scored 174 ... mostly confident.


Anonymous said...

Well that made me feel good, I always try to encourage other women to bring out the best in themselves, 198-Lorey Choe

Ava said...

I'm going to get your "Hips Don't Lie" song and some other songs similar to that to belly dance to. It's fun, very energetic and not so bland. I was even belly dancing in the car on my way home from music session tonight.



amelche said...

I´m mostly confident, apparently.

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

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