Believe it or not, words carry a lot of power when we speak. I have a say that I have shared before: “mean what you say and say what you mean”. Words are auditory manifestations of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, coming from our brain, from our heart, and from our souls. Some say words are gone with the wind. In fact, our words mirror the deeper essence of who we are. Words carry energy, and we vest that energy onto the recipients of our words. Words said cannot be taken back, although the reality from which they were spoken can change with time. Words become solid when our brains process their meanings. Words stay with us long after they have been said, forever, truly, and a lot can stir from the human soul just by the sound of a word. The mouth speaks what is in the heart. Use words wisely.
That is so true. Words do carry a lot of weight. Sometimes, even when you try to ignore them or block them out, they still penetrate into us and echo there for a while.
There is a Spanish writer, Javier Marías, who wrote a novel (Corazón tan blanco, A Heart so White) in which he says we can close our eyes when we don't want to see something but we can't close our ears when we don't want to hear something. So many times we hear things we should have never heard, about us or other people we love, or people we don't even know, and those words stay there. We can't avoid it.
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