Monday, June 04, 2007


You may find yourself meditating on your history, thoughtfully reflecting upon your past. In this philosophical frame of mind, you may be able to discern patterns and gain a greater understanding about your path to this point. We do the best we can at any given moment, so looking back need not invite blame and regret. If we find that such feelings come up, we can apply loving forgiveness to ourselves and to any who we feel have hurt us. They were doing the best they could with the information they had. We can look instead with gratitude at the way our lives have unfolded and learn how to make the journey more consciously from this point forward. By reflecting on your history today, you gain insight into the patterns of your life.

It may be useful throughout this process to continuously ask ourselves how we created each situation in our lives. On an energetic level, we are responsible for everything we bring into our experience. With this in mind, we may be able to change our concept of certain life-changing events from negative to positive. Perhaps something that seemed to randomly happen to us was a result of our longing for an opportunity for growth or a chance to prove our strength to ourselves. It may have been subconscious or from our higher spiritual level, but if we can take responsibility for these occurences, we can release any negative hold they may have on us. Looking back today helps you create more consciously for your future.

1 comment:

Ava said...

You know, sometimes forgiving ourselves is one of the hardest things there is to do. It's much easier to forgive someone else.

Reflecting does help with decisions that we are making today. Although, sometimes you're inviting depression it you reflect too long.