Thursday, February 04, 2010


Our human nature prompts us to resist changes. Changes are the only constant we have in our lives, however, change is what we dread and fear most. Habits, behaviors, routines are all part of our daily systems and ways of living that become our second nature. We all need predictability in our lives. We all need systems under which we operate on a daily basis. However, we often do not realize that even when we always do the same things we can never do those things the same way. We are not the same today as we were yesterday. Our life circumstances may change slightly or drastically from one day to the next. Everyday we are different creatures, older, wiser, more experienced, more seasoned. Everyday our skin, hair, and brain change. Everyday we are a new person. Why, then, do we resist the less than obvious changes of life?

Life submerges us in a comfort zone. We get used to the familiarity of situations and we become accustomed to doing certain things. We create expectations in anticipation of results that derive from doing things a certain way each time. Life becomes predictable. When something challenges that predictability, an alarm goes off inside of us. Discomfort starts building up and all sorts of fears start arising. This happens even in uncomfortable situations in which we have become used to discomfort. The discomfort is known. Change is unknown, and therefore, a threat. When threatened, we tend to fight or to hide as a signal of resistance. Little matters if the change will unfold a better reality. Our human nature resists the new with passion.

Living through change is hard, especially those changes that have a great impact in our whole life system. Some changes call us to redefine our value system, our life system, our humanity. Those are the most difficult to endure, but also the most transforming. We change everyday but dramatic changes often times allow us to evolve if we keep an open mind and let our spirit transpire through.

I have been experiencing a lot of life changes these days. One day I was feeling particularly challenged by the unknown, I ran into a neighbor. As I shared my story with her, she told me she went through a similar situation and that life was good. “You will be good”, she assured me. I found comfort and hope in her words. Life has changed. And life is good, as she promised.

Change happens; is inevitable. Resisting it only makes us feel hopeless and with little control over the outcome. When we seize the opportunities that come with change, we are in a better position to make decisions that will have a significant impact on our evolution through and after change.